
Dental Implants

  • A permanent solution to tooth loss
  • Eat the foods you want without worrying
  • Show your full smile again
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Life Changing!

The benefits of dental implants from the Dental Rooms, Wimbledon, SW London can be life changing, providing an answer to embarrassment, discomfort or inconvenience of missing teeth and loose dentures.

Dental implants are our treatment of choice for missing teeth because they look and feel like a natural tooth whilst restoring normal function and appearance.

What are dental implants?

Beginning in the 1960s researchers observed that the metal titanium, formed a very strong bond to surrounding bone, a process termed "osseointegration."

After years of careful research and study, dental implants (titanium cylinders placed into the jawbone to support replacement teeth) were refined with high success rates. There are now patients who have had implant supported teeth for more than twenty-five years.

A dental implant is a titanium screw that is carefully placed into the jawbone to act as an anchor to support one or more teeth. They can also be anchors to improve the stability and retention of loose dentures.

Dental Rooms £ Wimbledon 020 8946 2426 Dental Rooms

I just wanted to say how pleased I am with the final result of my dental treatment. I had wanted to refresh my smile for a very long time but did not have the courage nor the foresight to do so until I was introduced to you.

The work you have done is of wonderful quality and quite simply has transformed my smile! I am extremely grateful.

Why should you consider dental implants?

If you, like lots of people, have lost one or more teeth, you may be all too familiar with the unpleasant consequences. For many, missing teeth lead to an unattractive smile, embarrassment from loose dentures, and pain or difficulty with eating.

Traditional dentistry can provide replacements for missing teeth using bridges, removable partials and dentures; however, each of these has its problems. Bridgework usually involves altering natural teeth to provide a stable foundation for support of replacement teeth. Partials and dentures can, at times, be very unstable leading to denture sores or speech difficulties.

Another little known problem associated with tooth loss is a process known as "atrophy," a shrinking of the jawbone that can progress relentlessly over the years. Bone atrophy not only affects jaw function, but can cause adverse facial cosmetic changes. As a result, there may not be enough bone volume for dental implants, in which case additional treatment may be required..

Because of the remarkable advances in dentistry in recent years, dental implants offer an effective solution to many of these problems.

Dental Rooms £ Wimbledon 020 8946 2426 Dental Rooms

The premises are plush and superbly equipped, with hygiene a priority. I have recommended Dr Patel and the Dental Rooms to my friends and colleges.

Case Studies
Single crowns on U2's & Implant bridge on U1's
Screw retained implant crown on Upper 4's
Screw retained implant crown on UL4
Implant retained crown on UR1
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