
Feedback & Complaints

Complaints Procedure:

Here at Dental Rooms we take complaints very seriously and if you are not satisfied with our service in the first instance please contact our Practice Manager, by calling +44 (0) 20 89462426, email pm@dentalrooms.co.uk, or in writing by addressing your letter to Practice Manager and sending your complaint to the following address; Dental Rooms, 1Ridgway SW19 4RS.

If you wish to complain at the reception desk or on the telephone, we will listen to the complaint and offer to refer you to the Clinic Manager immediately.

If the Clinic Manager is not available at the time, then a time will be arranged when you can speak to the Clinic Manager and/or the Dentist. The member of staff will take brief details of the complaint and pass them on. If we cannot arrange this within a reasonable period or if you do not wish to wait to discuss the matter, arrangements will be made for someone else to deal with the matter.

  1. If a complaint is made in writing it will be passed on immediately to the Principal Partners, Angela Auluck or Dev Patel.
  2. Complaints about clinical care or associated charges will be referred to the clinician concerned, unless you do not want this to happen.
  3. A written response to a complaint with an accompanying copy of our code of practice will be sent to you as soon as possible, normally within three working days. We will seek to investigate the complaint within fourteen working days of receipt to give an explanation of the circumstances which led to the complaint. If you do not wish to meet us, then we will attempt to talk to you on the telephone. If we are unable to investigate the complaint within fourteen working days, we will notify you giving reasons for the delay and a likely period within which the investigation will be completed.
  4. We will confirm the decision about the complaint in writing immediately after completing our investigation.
  5. Proper and comprehensive records are kept of any complaint received.

If you are not satisfied with the result of our procedure, then a complaint can be made to the following:

(tel: 020 8253 0800)

Please email us at info@dentalrooms.co.uk or use the online form below.
Fields in bold are required.

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